Ep 13: Matthew Mc-Comet-Hey
Micah and Ryan catch up with Ryan's super-commuter lifestyle, summarize the movies of 2014, and discover how Matthew McConaughey helped us land on a comet. Get the incredibly detailed shownotes here, and delve into topics including:
- The word milieu
- Shia Labouf
- The connections between method acting, Methodists, and algorithms
- A Methodism to his madness and more Methodism to his madness
- Are we living in the 21st century? When did it happen? (Hint: It's not the same century as "the 2000s")
- Year Zero
- Zero to One (best book ever)
- The upcoming Singularity Movie. Kinda like Scary Movie.
- Neil deGrassfed Bison
- Ryan's improv experiences. This is NOT therapy!
- The TV show Nashville
- [Pikachu](http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pikachu_(Pok%C3%A9mon)) and that weird art thing that sounds like it. Pecha Kucha.
- People in bands. Band people, Banned people.
- The democratization of music, the capitalization of music, and the fascism of music.
- Not capitalizing words. See also ee cummings.
- It takes two mirrors to look at your life. That's just logic.
- Binaural audio (see this binaural music video)
- How Interstellar is the sequel to True Detective, via that Dylan Thomas poem.
- True Detective (best show ever) and philosophical pessimism
- How Interstellar led to scientific discoveries
- Rage against the dying of the light
- Yes And Man, Yes Sandman
- Optical Delusion(s)
- The difference between Maxwell's Demon and Descartes' Demon
- Alright, alright, alright
Ep 13: Matthew Mc-Comet-Hey
Micah Redding