Ep 10: The Episode of Unnecessary Intrusions
This episode doubles as a going away party, and a chance for a rival group of partiers to launch a mutiny and a podcast of their own. Will the whole thing capsize before reaching a meaningful resolution? Tune in to find out!
Read our detailed shownotes here.
- You can’t prove a negative, but can you argue from silence?
- David's twitter conversation
- Tabula rasa
- Crack babies and crack addicts
- Greek theater, with its Greek choruses and all those deus ex machinas
- In Nashville, everything’s a music venue
- Bathroom walls, music, education, ancient relics
- The CoC’s favorite fallacy: the argument from silence.
- Henry Cavil & the Episode of Unnecessary Intrusions
- There are known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns - Donald Rumsfeld
- Dick Cheney doesn't have a heart
- Is this podcast supposed to be funny?
- Recorded voice, actual voice, internal voice
- The voice of my internal monologue
- I'm in love with the voice inside my head - James Earl Jones is Ryan's internal voice.
- People who played god.
- Morgan Freeman
- Whoopi
- Alanis Morrissette
- George Carlin
- People who played god.
- Voices by decade
- The voice of my internal monologue
- Seizure sneezes or Caesar Schneezes?
- If there's anything we don't do on this show, it's name drop
- Science attempts to falsify, not prove positives
- Prank phone calls
- Spin-off podcasts
- The Necessary Distractions podcast
- Unnecessary Intrusions
- Necessary Extrusions
- Cross pollination
- No screaming
- Art is about seeing
- Experiments with a hand in a box. Phantom Hands. Phantom toes. Curing phantom hands.
- Justin Timberlake puts some things in a box
- The blog of unnecessary phallic symbols. Medical and medicinal phallic references.
- Prosthetic sixth toe. Five finger shoes.
- Foley
- The coming shownote singularity
- Transcription, transubstantiation, transfusion
- Keep it publishable
- The penultimate pendragon
- A large thistle on the verge of exploding
Ep 10: The Episode of Unnecessary Intrusions
Micah Redding