Ep 26: Philip Clayton & The Spectrum of Belief
Raised by atheists, now a theologian and philosopher, Philip Clayton joins us to discuss the messy world between doubt and belief, feeling stuck in Christianity, and being okay with unanswered questions.
- Do you find God at 6,000 feet?
- The Spectrum/Grid of Belief — occupying the liminal space between belief and doubt.
- Are you willing to escape prison, and how does that apply to belief in God?
- Thinkers referenced:
- Roger Haight: All Books
- Peter Berger: A Far Glory
- Peter Rollins
- Ian Barbour
- [Ted Peters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Peters_(theologian))
- John Haught
- Stephen Jay Gould on "non-overlapping magisteria". See his book Rocks of Ages
- Wolfhart Pannenberg
- Technophobes vs. Technophiles, and where does Christian Transhumanism fit?
- Bill Joy: Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us
- Alvin Toffler: Future Shock
- Did humans grow up to soon?
- Is your worldview raft seaworthy?
- Emergence / Neural-Darwinism
- Religious Minimalism / Minimalist Christianity
- The Future of Faith, Science & Religion
- Panentheism & Wolfhart Pannenberg
- Postmodernism vs. Modernism across disciplines
- The [Precautionary principle](Precautionary principle) vs the Proactionary principle
- Philip Clayton's new project: Toward Ecological Civilization (EcoCiv)
- Philip Clayton's numerous books, including Religion and Science, and The Predicament of Belief
- Philip Clayton's web site, and on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Clayton_(philosopher)) and Huffington Post
Ep 26: Philip Clayton & The Spectrum of Belief
Micah Redding
2016-10-27 07:03:00